Why is Frequent Emergency Response Training So Important?

In any business or organization, the safety and well-being of employees and customers should always be a top priority. One way to ensure everyone is prepared for emergencies is to conduct frequent emergency response training. This training can help businesses and organizations avoid potential disasters or minimize their impact if they do occur.

This article will discuss the importance of frequent emergency response training and its benefits, compare outcomes of an emergency with and without proper training, and recommend resources for proper emergency planning.

Why is Consistency Important in Emergency Response?

It is essential to help employees and organizations be prepared to respond adequately to emergencies in the workplace or daily life. Emergencies can happen anytime and often without warning.  Emergency occurs due to many factors, from natural disasters to man-made accidents to health-related conditions.

Providing frequent training and an efficient framework allows everyone to understand emergency response protocols and expand their knowledge of what to do and how to respond.  This includes identifying and mitigating risks, which helps reduce illness and injury while avoiding confusion and panic. This creates a clear emergency response management strategy.

Benefits of Emergency Response Training

They say knowledge is power, but in this case, knowledge -and training- is life.

The main benefit of proper emergency response training is knowing what to do when things go wrong. Having a well-prepared team creates a safer work environment. By being prepared, your family and friends will know how to act before, during and after an emergency, increasing the chances of a healthy and positive outcome.

Individuals who have received proper training are more likely to recognize potential hazards and respond quickly to an emergency which, in turn, helps prevent accidents and injuries.

Another aspect to consider is preventing or minimizing property damage and financial losses. A rapid and accurate response may spare the organization from extensive damage and big repairs.

Finally, being aware and conscious of what to do in critical situations greatly boosts morale and confidence. People are more likely to feel empowered and valued by trusting their abilities.  In fact, evidence demonstrates that the emotional connection students make during simulation training indicates longer-term knowledge retention. [1]

With vs Without 

When we look at possible outcomes, comparing the level of preparedness to assess the importance of training is an easy way to understand the process.

Let’s assume there is a fire in a building. A well-prepared team will know when, where and how to evacuate people properly, keeping everyone safe; they will also know how to use extinguishers, identify gas lines, etc., helping to minimize the risk of injury and property damage.

A team that is not prepared and doesn’t have the knowledge and skill set will probably fall into fear when facing uncertainty and critical situations, which translates into poor decisions and a higher risk of injury or worse.

Recommended Resources for Proper Planning

Emergency Preparedness must be based on the right information to be efficient and flexible. Sources and resources for emergency planning are available at local, provincial, and national levels.

We recommend revising the information provided by local authorities with the right recommendations tailored to your area and legislation. As well as institutions like The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety, WSIB, and trustworthy sites like getprepared.ca.

Many provide guidance and resources to develop your emergency action plan, assess risks, identify hazards, and develop training for your team, family, and community.

Additionally, local Emergency Services like Paramedics and Fire Departments are great sources for training, advice, and support regarding emergency preparedness.

How to Implement an Emergency Response (ER) Training Plan

Implementing regular emergency response training in a business or organization requires planning and coordination. Gather your team, identify potential hazards or risks, and follow up with a session to develop emergency procedures analyzing trustworthy information.

Then, establish your training framework. This includes evaluating learning styles.  Satisfactory research indicates that due to emergency responders’ personality types and learning styles, simulation training (i.e., operating an Automated External Defibrillator for sudden cardiac arrest) has demonstrated drastic increases in positive learning

and quicker mastery of skills compared to other methods of teaching.  These strategies include practical sessions, blended learning, or problem-based learning. Then, implement simulated drills and scenario-based training to ensure a proper understanding of execution and response.

Finally, create a schedule to reinforce training and knowledge regularly. This also means that your schedule will support compliance requirements and legislation.

In case you are looking for guidance or some help developing your Emergency Response Plans, at Premergency, we have extensive experience within the Emergency Response & Services field developing training programs and providing solutions for organizations seeking to improve their Health & Safety Standards. Just send us a message; we would love to have a chat!



[1] Emergency Response Training Concepts and Retention by Rachel Mockros Dec 10, 2017

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