Opioid Crisis training program and paramedic education

Opioid Crisis in Canada: Response and Education

By now, we all know how COVID-19 affected our personal and professional lives, our industries, and basically everything else in our world. This pandemic […]

Document Management Premegrency LMS

Document Management: An Integrated Solution

Every morning you get to the office, open your inbox, and there you see them. Dozens of emails of coworkers sending documents, updating records, […]

Cyber Security article blog image

Cyber Security: How do we stay safe online?

Internet is a powerful thing, and today, with all the cloud-based applications, services, and all our business done mainly online – depending on your […]

ALEN Learning Management System - Premergency

An Advanced Learning Management System

Industries around the world are facing new challenges every day. Especially during difficult times like these. But it is times like these in which […]